Monday, February 05, 2007

Someone recently said that I don't post enough on my blog. So, for the next week, I'm going to make a post a day. I mean, why not? I don't promise anything inciteful, but at least it will be voluminous.

A week or so ago I mentioned the network shows that I've recently been watching. If you don't remember, then...well, then why are you reading this? I don't have that many posts. Just go back a couple and read. I can wait.


Okay, welcome back. Anyway, I like the show Scrubs. I watch it every Thursday. But the other day I wanted to watch it some more, so I watched two straight hours of Scrubs. On four different channels.

There is just something odd about being able to channel surf from one area of the dial (does that even make sense anymore? Does anyone actually use a dial to change channels these days?) to the opposite area of the dial, and watch different episodes of the same series four times in a row.

I haven't been paying too much attention before now, but this seems to happen more than I realized. It seems that there are only a few shows that make the rounds at any given time, and as such you end up getting a small selection of shows being shown again and again. If you like what's on, that's a good thing, but if you don't...well, just realize that in a few years, or maybe months, there will be a new group of shows that you can see. For a couple of hours at a time.

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