Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Starting Out

A very dear friend of mine, Cliff Biggers (probably the best friend that I've ever had), has been riding me to create a blog. Why, I'm not entirely sure. I have plenty of opinions and experiences that I share with the world, but I'm very much a face-to-face kind of person. That doesn't mean that I don't like to write, or that I don't share things with people via the internet, it's just that...well, to be honest, I've never seen myself as the blog type.

I'm not condemning those that blog, or saying that they should be spending their time doing better things--after all, we all should be spending our time doing better things--it's just that it's hard for me to imagine that anyone would care what I have to say.

Nonetheless, I've taken my friend's suggestion to heart, and here I am, blogging.

The first thing that I noticed was that it is very easy to get a free blog account. That part is nice. The second thing that I noticed was that I needed to decide what to call my blog, and what it should look like. That's not as nice. I wanted to have something that was relevant to my life for a title, and I wanted a look that matched. Not easily done when you are someone that hates reading white text on black, and find that simple black text on white is kinda boring.

But hey, I got it done...for now. I'll change it probably too often to make sense, but that's my decision.

I'll get more into who I am, and what I do, and all of those things as time progresses, but not now. Leave a little mystery for the five people who don't know me that might possibly read this in one of their few precious moments of free time. It's better that way.



cliff said...

That's outrageous!

Oh, wait... I'm supposed to wait until your third or fourth post before I respond with bluster and hyperbole, aren't I?...

Charles R. Rutledge said...

You should update more often!!

I guess I should wait too...