Tuesday, May 05, 2015

...About Getting Started

There are so many things that I want to do. Always have been, and I'm guessing there always will be. To me, that's really a good thing. It keeps me busy and occupied, and makes sure that my mind is always active and pushing itself to discover new things.

I've discovered over time that it is exceptionally easy to get started doing any of them. It's as easy as picking up a pencil and putting it to paper—or really more like keyboard to screen in this modern age, I suppose. 

And that can be any number of things. Writing. Drawing (insert stylus in place of keyboard for electronic version), photography, video, or whatever your current fancy may lead to is available to you in this modern age. Which makes this a golden age. You can do anything you want.

How many things you start is entirely up to you. You can begin one today, and then again tomorrow, and so on and on. The number of beginnings available are only limited by the number of days that you have on this earth. Which means the longer you delay, the less beginnings you are going to have available to you.

Yes, getting started doing something is magical. It's the act of taking an idea and beginning the birthing process for the rest of the world to see. The only problem with beginnings is that far too many people stop there, at the beginning.

It doesn't matter how many things you start. What matters is how many things you finish. So, go out and start as many things as your mind and heart tells you must escape and find a life of their own. Just make sure that some of those beginnings—at least the ones that have resonance and purpose to maybe no one else but you—make sure that they have the chance to come fully to life. See that project through to the end.

Because sometimes the end is the best beginning of them all.

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