Wednesday, January 15, 2014

...another year

It's a little late to be posting about what a bad year 2013 was, so I won't--even though it was the worst year of my life in so many ways.

What I will mention is the year to come. Right now we sit only two weeks into 2014, and it is ripe with possibility. I see potential in every direction I look, which is a pleasant change for me. I plan on accomplishing things this year that I should have done twenty years ago. No regrets, just the right steps finally.

Which applies to you, too. It doesn't matter your age or how long you've been putting something off, if it is something that you've always wanted to do, do it. Stretch your wings. Learn to fly. The worst thing that can happens is that you fall back down to the ground. And the good thing about that is that you are always able to stretch those wings once more and give it another go.

The year is waiting. Go for it.

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