Friday, August 26, 2011


Anything been happening in the past 2+ years?

Yeah, not much for me, either. Well, that's not entirely true. I've moved out of the comics industry and into the photography/graphic design biz. Not as big a jump as you might think, considering that I was doing both of those things while still working in comics. But I've kicked it up a gear and been working on my skill set. Moving from film to digital with the camera (a move I absolutely LOVE, btw). Learning web design and mobile platform graphics. Trying to find a place to put all of this knowledge to use.

And to that end, I've revamped Pandahead. You see the link to the website next to this blog. Check it out, and let me know what you think. In the coming days I'll have my photography site up as well. (It's designed, just need to implement.)

Oh, and I'm living in Woodstock now. Sharing a place with good friend Bobby Politte, who was kind enough to open his doors to me, my wife and our three cats.

So, anyway, just wanted to touch base. I'll be posting here more often. Sharing ideas and thoughts. Work and frustration. Whatever is best for the day and time.

And check back, I promise not to be gone so long next time.

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